Tag: Windows 7
Forcing VMware Fusion to recognise a new Boot Camp partition
by itgrrl on Nov.22, 2009, under Blog
If you’re like me, the time will come when you decide to blow away then re-create the Windows install on your Mac.
Maybe you want some of the space back that you originally allocated to the partition, maybe you’re sick of Vista and want to play with Vista SP3 Windows 7… Maybe it’s a little from column A, a little from column B. 🙂
So anyway, you’ve resized your Boot Camp partition, and (re)installed your Windows of choice. You boot back into OSX, fire up VMware Fusion (hereinafter just Fusion), and… OH NOES! Does. Not. Work.
Here’s how to fix.
(NOTE: As always with advice from teh intarwebs, YOU’RE USING THIS INFO AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you’re not confident about what you’re doing, then DON’T.)
- Quit Fusion
- Navigate in Finder to /Users/{$username}/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/Virtual Machines
- Delete the entire Boot Camp directory
- Start Fusion
- Start the Boot Camp VM, which will still be listed in the Virtual Machine Library
- Voila! Fusion will re-create your Boot Camp VM automagically.
- Enjoy.